Do I need a prescription to order from LyfeCheck?
No, a prescription is not needed in order to purchase tests from this site.
Is there a certain age the patient needs to be in order to process samples at LyfeCheck?
We don’t have any age limits. But we do need parent/guardian’s consent to process a sample for anyone under age 18.
Are all tests FDA approved?
We do not manufacture a product and or create a ‘device’. Rather, we are a CLIA certified laboratory offering testing services. All samples are analyzed at our lab, where our procedures are monitored and validated in compliance with CLIA guidelines and requirements. When collecting samples for our testing services, patients utilize products that are mostly either FDA cleared or exempt.
I recently suffered a miscarriage and wanted to know how long I should wait to take my samples and send them in?
Minimum 6 weeks.
Will taking Prozac impact my results?
Prozac treatment for 28 days is known to cause reduced levels of testosterone, estrogens and progesterone. However, studies have shown that a single dose of 80 mg Fluoxetine did not result in reduced testosterone or estrogen levels.
Long term use may have an effect on sex hormone levels. It is recommended to stop taking fluoxetine 24 to 36 hours prior to collecting sample for hormone testing.
- The Link Between Warm Weather and Hormonal ChangesDid you know that warm weather can have an impact on your hormones? It turns out that seasonal...
How should I return the samples to Lyfecheck for testing?
Collected samples should be mailed to Lyfecheck as soon as possible after collection. Please use the pre-paid UPS return label included with the kit to mail samples within the US. You are welcome to use any other shipping service at your own expense. Lyfecheck will not cover shipping costs if you are mailing the samples from outside of the US. Please make sure to package the samples according to the instructions provided in the test kit.
Can I send samples to LyfeCheck over a weekend or holiday?
Yes, samples can be sent to LyfeCheck any day, as soon as possible after collection, including weekends and holidays.
What if my test kit is missing the return label?
International – LyfeCheck is not able to provide any return labels for shipping samples from outside of the US.
US – Call LyfeCheck at 503-344-1344 to receive the return label by regular mail. Or, to avoid delays you can mail the sample at your own expense. Please make sure to retain tracking information for your shipment.
Should I send my samples even when it is very hot outside?
It’s safe to mail samples during warm weather. However, it’s recommended to keep the samples away from extreme hot temperatures. If not maling within two days after collection, liquid samples (saliva and blood) should be kept in a freezer. Dried samples (dried blood or dried urine) should be kept at room temperature until mailed to LyfeCheck.
How do I find out if Lyfecheck has received my sample(s)?
A tracking number for your sample is provided on each return mailing bag. Please retain this number and use it to monitor shipping status. You should receive an email notification when your results are ready to view, within 5 business days after your sample is delivered to our lab. If it’s been more than 5 days since your sample was received by LyfeCheck, please call us at 503-344-1344 and check with Customer Service Specialist.
How can I find the closest UPS location to drop off my sample?
- Understanding the Underlying Causes of Hormone ImbalanceUncovering the root cause behind your hormonal issues is key to finding a lasting solution. In this article,...
How do I collect my blood sample on a card provided in the test kit?
As you wake up in the morning, collect your blood sample within the first 30 minutes, by pricking your finger with a lancet provided in the test kit and place a few drops of blood on the collection card and let it dry for one hour. Once dried, send your sample back to LyfeCheck for testing. Please make sure to watch the blood collection video and read the sample collection instructions provided in your test kit.
and read the sample collection instructions provided in your test kit.
How do I collect my saliva sample in the tubes provided in the test kit?
As you wake up in the morning, collect your saliva sample within the first 30 minutes and make sure that you collect the sample BEFORE any other daily routine activities like brushing your teeth, eating, drinking, exercising or taking any medications and/or hormones. Please make sure to watch the saliva collection video for more information and read the sample collection instructions provided in your test kit.
Do I need to fill the saliva tubes completely?
Please make sure that all tubes should be at least ½ full (preferably ¾ full) excluding bubbles.
What should I do if I am not well? Should I still collect my sample?
If you are testing for your baseline hormone levels, Please do not collect sample during your sickness.
I brushed my teeth and had my breakfast and then started collecting my saliva. Should I start over again?
You will have to collect the sample again next morning. Please make sure to collect your sample BEFORE eating, drinking or brushing your teeth.
What do I do if I have a dry mouth and have problems collecting saliva sample?
If you are having difficulty collecting saliva, we have a few recommendations:
Close your mouth and imagine eating your favorite food. Tilt your head forward and with your tongue, push the saliva down into the collection tube. Continue until the tube is filled at least three fourth with saliva (not the bubbles).
Try to pool the saliva in your mouth before spitting in the tube to avoid bubbles. Tapping the tube on a hard surface can help remove the bubbles.
Drinking extra water a night before sample collection helps produce more saliva.
Smelling a lemon helps produce more saliva.
If you still have difficulty collecting enough saliva, you can store the tube in a refrigerator and collect saliva at the same time next day.
Can I exercise before saliva collection for cortisol (adrenal function)?
Any aggressive physical activity, including exercise has effect on the cortisol levels and therefore is not recommended if you are testing your normal cortisol levels.
I have diabetes and have to eat when I get up. Can I eat before I take the test?
Please make sure to discuss this with your doctor. For accurate results of your hormone tests, it is not recommended that you brush teeth or eat anything before collecting your first morning saliva sample.
What day of month should I collect my sample?
If testing hormones:
Men can collect on any day of the month.
Women with:
• Those with no menstrual cycles can collect any day.
• Those with normal menstrual cycles should collect on day 19, 20 or 21 (counting the 1st day of bleeding as day 1)
• Those with irregular, unpredictable menstrual cycles can collect any day when there is no bleeding.
• Those with some kind of cycle regularity but not at the typical lengths : Long cycles – collect on day 19-21 or from day 19 to 4-5 days before the period is expected. For example, collection can be done anytime between day 19 to day 30, if the cycle is 35 days. Short cycles – collection should be done 2-3 days before the bleeding starts. For example, sample should be collected on day 12, if someone has a 14 day cycle.
What if I am taking any herbal supplements/vitamins- Will those have any effect on the hormone levels?
If you are taking ANY hormones, supplements, and/or vitamins, then please make sure to mention those on the test requisition form.
Vitamins do not have an effect on hormone levels.
Some of the products, which are available over-the-counter are known to affect hormone test results. Those include progesterone, pregnenolone, hydrocortisone (cortisol), DHEA, 7-Keto-DHEA( can cause falsely elevated levels of DHEA and testosterone). Please stop taking 7-Keto-DHEA 3 days before sample collection.
If you are using the topical hormones, you may continue to use those but DO NOT apply to your face or neck areas for 3 days before sample collection. For applying to other areas, please rub hormones (wrist to wrist) without using fingers for at least 2 days before sample collection.
Best Times for Women to test?
Test on either day 19, 20 or 21 of your cycle (counting first day of last menstrual cycle as day 1).
WOMEN W/ LONG CYCLES (over 30 days)
Test on either day 19-21, or from day 19 to 5 days prior to the start of next cycle
Ex: a 35 day cycle can test any day between 19 to day 30
WOMEN W/ SHORTER CYCLES (under 21 days)
Test a couple days prior to next cycle’s start
Ex: someone w/ a 14 day cycle should collect on day 12
Test any day of the month (that you are not bleeding/spotting)
When should I collect my sample if I am taking oral contraceptives?
Sample collection timing does not matter when you are taking oral contraceptives to suppress ovarian hormone levels. You should wait for your withdrawal bleeding if you plan to stop taking the oral contraceptives and collect sample on day 19-21 of your next cycle.
I plan to stop using hormonal birth control, how long should I wait before testing?
Wait 4-6 weeks for your hormonal levels to adjust before testing.
When should I collect my sample if I am taking hormones?
Please continue taking your hormones, there is no need to stop your hormone therapy. Just follow the directions below for sample collection, in the case of different hormone types.
Topical Hormones (Cream or Gel) DO NOT APPLY ANY TOPICAL HORMONES THROUGHOUT THE DAY OF SAMPLE COLLECTION. Collect sample 12-24 hours AFTER the last dose.
Sublingual Hormones or Troches
(Dissolved under Tongue)
Oral Hormones (Pills) If taking Progesterone: Collect saliva 6-10 hours AFTER the last dose.
For all other hormones: Collect saliva 12-24 hours AFTER the last dose.
Injections and Pellets
Transdermal Patches
Cortisol Supplementation
The recommended dosage interval is mid regimen.
Collect saliva 1 -2 days AFTER applying the patch.
CONSULT WITH YOUR PROVIDER for instructions if you are taking cortisol supplementation for adrenal support. When testing cortisol (for baseline adrenal function), STOP USING CORTISOL CONTAINING PRODUCTS 5 DAYS PRIOR TO SALIVA COLLECTION.
What should I do if I am using non-prescription (over-the-counter) anti-aging cream?
Please stop using any such creams at least three days before sample collection.
Topical hormones (Cream or Gel), please note:
Do NOT apply any hormone creams or gels with bare hands or fingers for at least two days before sample collection. You may use latex gloves, syringe or an applicator. You do not have to stop applying the hormone.
• Do not apply any hormone creams or gels to exposed parts of your body. Make sure to apply the hormone to areas covered by any clothing to prevent transfer of hormones to other people or any household items.
• Make sure to clean your hands by washing thoroughly with soap and water after hormone use.
• Touching any contaminated surfaces around (door knobs, counter-tops, door bell, faucets etc.) can result in false high test results for hormones.
- The Link Between Warm Weather and Hormonal ChangesDid you know that warm weather can have an impact on your hormones? It turns out that seasonal...